All About Covid-19
What is Coronavirus?
The coronavirus pandemic is a disease that causes illness.
It all started in Wuhan, China on the 31st of December, 2019.
It started in China because Chinese people would eat bats
& they didn't know that the bats had the virus. They call it
coronavirus because it looks like lots of little crowns through a
microscope, but its real name is covid-19. The government has
cancelled all flights to New Zealand.
It all started in Wuhan, China on the 31st of December, 2019.
It started in China because Chinese people would eat bats
& they didn't know that the bats had the virus. They call it
coronavirus because it looks like lots of little crowns through a
microscope, but its real name is covid-19. The government has
cancelled all flights to New Zealand.
How Does Coronavirus Affect the Human Body?
The virus can affect people’s breathing and lungs. How it works
is the virus gets inside our cells and takes over them. Firstly, it
affects your throat cells, airway and lungs turning them into
coronavirus factories. It then discharges huge amounts of new
viruses that affect even more body cells.
is the virus gets inside our cells and takes over them. Firstly, it
affects your throat cells, airway and lungs turning them into
coronavirus factories. It then discharges huge amounts of new
viruses that affect even more body cells.
How does coronavirus spread?
It spreads from person to person by coughing & sneezing, also
if you touched someone who has the virus. It can also spread
when a person touches an object that has the virus on it, then
touches their eyes, nose or mouth.
if you touched someone who has the virus. It can also spread
when a person touches an object that has the virus on it, then
touches their eyes, nose or mouth.
What are the symptoms of having the coronavirus?
People may be sick for one too 14 days before developing
symptoms. Most common symptoms of this virus include;
coughing, difficult issues with breathing or fever. Older people
with medical conditions may be more exposed to becoming
symptoms. Most common symptoms of this virus include;
coughing, difficult issues with breathing or fever. Older people
with medical conditions may be more exposed to becoming
How to protect yourself
The best way you can protect yourself is by washing your hands
frequently. It is important to avoid touching your face and close
contacts (2 metres) with people who are ill. It is recommended
to wear a face mask and avoid large events or mass gatherings.
You should also cover your mouth and nose with your elbow
and a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
frequently. It is important to avoid touching your face and close
contacts (2 metres) with people who are ill. It is recommended
to wear a face mask and avoid large events or mass gatherings.
You should also cover your mouth and nose with your elbow
and a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
there have been 422,913
positive cases worldwide. 109,143
people have recovered
from this virus, however, there have
sadly been 18,905 deaths.
Hi Ana, wow what a great piece of writing. So much information! I like the way you referenced your sources. Very smart. It reminds me to keep my hands away from my face. It's harder than you think though right? Have you thought about sharing this information in a visual way like a poster? Keep up the blogging.